Location of action

Our cause focusses mainly on the area Westelijke Eilanden in Amsterdam West. An area recently struck by pollution. Due to its history as a docking area for big ships in the industrial age, the 1800s were a time of great metal usage. Now in 2024 the canal has fallen victim to pollution. Its up to us and the volunteers to keep this water clean and usable.

As Parool has stated in this article, it isnt going well with our beautiful canals in West. Major pollution that been getting worse and worse over the years. Even the beloved 'Zoutkeetse-Kreeft' isn't edible anymore! A big disaster of course since its tradition to eat it around the holidays....


Swimming in the canals has had a massive uprising during the lockdown of 2020. Now if you decide to swim during the current stat of affairs it can lead to poisoning and sickness. Apart from the adults, children are at a much bigger risk. As the metal polluition has influence on the growth rate and brain development of a child.